Flash chromatography columns Vertical Tabs Overview Biotage Sfär columnsReliable and flexible, Biotage Sfär columns deliver larger loading capacities, tighter elution bands and purer fractions than traditional flash columns.Readmore >> Biotage Selekt flash purification systemThis brochure goes through the five reasons why choose the Biotage Selekt flash purification system: inspired productivity, the greenest columns, unbelievably easy to use, finer control, amazing reliability.Readmore >> Norlab is now the direct contact for Biotage organic chemistry portfolio in FinlandA message from Daniel Herneson, Sales Director, Biotage.Read more >> Events & News Norlab is now the direct contact for Biotage organic chemistry portfolio in FinlandA message from Daniel Herneson, Sales Director, Biotage.Read more >> Literature Biotage Sfär columnsReliable and flexible, Biotage Sfär columns deliver larger loading capacities, tighter elution bands and purer fractions than traditional flash columns.Readmore >>