
Your partner in Northern Europe for innovative laboratory instruments

Solid and semi-solid sample preparation

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Application notes

Automation and optimization of sample preparation of levothyroxine sodium tablets for drug-content analysis by online HPLC
A manual sample preparation workflow for the analysis of drug-content in levothyroxine sodium tablets (0.025 mg) was automated and the extraction times were optimized using the accroma sample preparation system.

Automation of a sample prep method for the analysis of sodium benzoate in skin cream by RP-HPLC
Date of creation: 
30 January 2022
Library code: 

accroma automated sample preparation system
The system automates the entire sample preparation process for solid, semi-solid and liquid samples across multiple industries: pharma, environment, food and cosmetics. It offers innovation and precision where it is needed most, optimizing the whole workflow process, from sample to knowledge, with uncompromised accuracy.

Quantification calculations on accroma sample preparation systems
Date of creation: 
30 January 2022
Library code: 
accroma 2.0 sample preparation system technical information
Date of creation: 
30 January 2022
Library code: