3P Dispersion Technology DT-1202 acoustic and electroacoustic spectrometer
Particle size and zeta potential measurement in concentrated dispersions
The DT-1202 combines two instruments, the acoustic attenuation spectrometer DT-100 and the electroacoustic probe DT-300 in one device. Thus it is able to measure simultaneously particle size distribution and zeta potential of a liquid, concentrated dispersions in its original state without any modification like dilution!
To calculate the particle size distribution, the DT-1202 is measuring the sound speed and the attenuation of short ultrasound pulses for a set of frequencies, typically from 1 to 100 MHz (“transmission pulse technique” or “tone burst method”). The data will be recorded at different gaps between ultrasound sender and detector to improve the accuracy of the signals. Due to the wide frequency range of this unique technique, very small (< 100 nm) as well as coarse particles (>> 10 µm) can be measured with a high precision. The variable gap between sender and detector enables the characterization of diluted (< 1 vol.-%) and concentrated (up to 50 vol.-%) dispersions. The Windows-based software take into account the different ultrasound-wave-particle interactions as scattering, viscous losses and thermodynamic effects.
Zeta probe
Additionally, the DT-1202 is analyzing the zeta potential of a dispersion using its electroacoustic probe. Further colloidal parameters can be calculated like Debye-length, κa-value, Dukhin’sche number and surface charge density in case of strong non-polar solvents. Due to the smart design of the probe (pulse-echo method, smooth surface) it can be easily used both for laboratory experiments and for process-near online measurements.
Specifications and benefits
- No dilution, no sample preparation
- Measurement of the acoustic attenuation spectrum from 1 to 100 MHz with highest accuracy and reproducibility
- Wide concentration range (0,1 – 50 Vol-%), due to variable sender detector gap
- Wide particle size range (5 nm – 1000 µm)
- Time of measurement: particle size: 1 – 10 min; zeta potential: < 1 min
- Sample volume: particle size: about 70 ml (optional < 5ml); zeta potential: > 0,5 ml
- Measurement of sedimenting and high viscous samples (up to 20000 mPas)
- On-line-measurement possible (by-pass setup)
- Fully automatic, quantitative titration experiments (acid/base, additives)
- Particle size and zeta potential can be measured simultaneously and separately
Titration unit
This software controlled unit is designed to enable the particle size and zeta potential measurement in dependence of the pH or the amount of an additive. The system can programmed to carry out automatically different types of protocols (dosing amount of additive/acid/base, pH-value and time).
- Optionally one or two 5 ml-burettes
- pH: 0,5 – 13,5
- Minimal amount of titration: about 20 µl (depending on viscosity)
- Chemically resistant teflon probe
- Suitable also for high viscous additives
Electric conductivity probes for aqueous and organic solvents
Two different probes are available to measure the electric conductivity. Both are fully integrated in the DT-software.
- Conductivity probe for aqueous solvents: 1E-4 – 10 S/m
- Conductivity probe for organic solvents: 1E-11 – 1E-4 S/m
The probe for measurements in organic solvents is also available as a separate device DT-700.